A video. See as I see. "HOME"

Started by Txur Niftxavang, December 21, 2010, 12:38:27 AM

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Txur Niftxavang

This is a video about our home. Its a bit lengthy, but its definitely worth the time.  

HOME (English with subtitles)

We are like a cancer that is spreading...  Our insatiable desire for oil will snuff our light out quicker than you could kill us off with a nuclear war.  Our Generation, and our children will have to fix our mess. Supposedly only 10 years.  Lack of water, will kill us all.   My two cents.    I'd rather die from my blind bliss, and selfishness to save our Eywa.  I owe her that much.     If I have a second chance, if the US/ NATO stops with Military production, like Costa Rica did.  I would gladly turn my rifle in, and burn my uniform, and bury my medals.  I see my future, do you see yours?
PSN: AVATAR_052191

If anyone has a question about firearms training/ Bow training leave a message, a voicemail on my phone, or text.
State your name, and if you are one of the people.

Tsyal Maktoyu

I've seen it before. It really is depressing, isn't it? Like I said twice before, we need change, now, or we're set to be chucked in the dust bin next time Mama Nature cleans house. Unfortunately I don't know what it will take to change nearly 7 billion hearts and minds short of global revolution. If that's what it takes...


"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - Inception

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". - Denis Diderot


Thanks for sharing!
Good stuff.
I only wish they would also focus more on population and reproduction control.
Oil IS a big problem, but NOT the only one!!
Anyway, here's their homepage if you don't want to watch till the end of the film for the URL:
