Started by Ateyo Te Syaksyuk, February 22, 2012, 12:40:56 PM

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Ateyo Te Syaksyuk


I DID IT!  I USED PRRKxENTRRKRR in the context of my story!
(I'm really proud of myself!)
79) "AUWE! I'm so tired I feel strung out" said Ka'alani as the group trudged the well worn trail from the New Village, Mipa Tsray, to the Omatikaya HomeTree."
Everyone was speaking and understanding their own languages only this morning.  It was a dissappointment in contrast to the elation of yesterday.  Ateyo was trying to imagine what strung out meant.  The image that came to mind was rows and rows of fresh caught PAYOANG fish, hanging from the smoking rack over a campfire.
"Me too, I feeling like a smoke fish."
No one put together that seeming jump in conversation, but everyone laughed.
"Oy vey I could use some lox and bagels right now!" Mendelson was remembering his favorite breakfast treat of smoked salmon and cream cheese atop the dense circular ring of bread called a bagel.
"Mendllzong! We smoking OY VEY too."  This time the sleepy brains recognized Ateyo's quick wit and everyone started chuckling.   As they arrived at JakeSully's campfire they were greeted with "Rewon lefpom" GoodMorning, and "Katxti, oeya eylan" Hello, my friends.
"You're all in a good mood this morning!" observed JakeSully.
"It's Ateyo! Ma Jake! She has a fun way of translating things." Norm told him.
Fi'u nin, Ma Ka'alani! Look at this, Ka'alani!  Strung out, Smoke fish!"  Sure enough, Neytiri and Jake had a row of fish smoking over the coals on their cooking rack fashioned of yerik antlers.
"Oy vey! All I need is a bagel and some cream cheese!" Gregory rubbed his hands together in anticipation of a memory.
"Kehe Krekori! We don't have kemetzi here!" Norm was playing with the Hebrew word for leavened bread.He knew Gregory would appreciate that. "But we have this!"  He took the pro-offered smoked fish and wrapped it in a leaf spread with a seed butter that had a similar, acidic flavor to cream cheese. Gregory tasted the morsel and his shaggy eyebrows popped up in appreciation. 
"This is good! Fi'u lu siltsan! Smoked FISH! MMMMmmm!"
"I loving smoke flavor! PRRKXENKRRTRR!" **
Norm laughed and clapped his hands together.
" I made up that word!   PRRTE' is pleasure.KxENER is smoke, TRR is day and KRR means time.  Loosely translated it means Daytime Smoking pleasure!" Everyone was laughing now, as Ateyo started her antics.  She was standing over the coals, wafting the smoke up and over her body with both hands.  Soon she pantomimed bathing and scrubbing her arm pits with smoke.  She was considering leaping over the fire but heard a simultaneous "OISSSS" repremand from both Neytiri and Mo'at, as if they could read her mind. She flattened her ears, and pouted her lower lip, feigning a mortal blow from the gentle reprimand.
  "I SAW what you were thinking, Ma Ateyo!" scolded Mo'at good naturedly. "You will single-handedly corrupt our children if they watch you playing near the campfire, like that.  Ateyo droooped her tail and presented her rump to Mo'at who rolled her eyes and delivered a sound smack with a wet spoon, which resounded with a loud splat.  Everyone from the surrounding camps were all laughung and pointing. Mo'at turned and addressed the evengi, the children, with her wooden spoon in hand. "Anyone who imitates Ateyo will get the same treatment, and Ateyo will get smacked again, too!"
"The Dragon Lady has spoken," whispered Jake loudly enough to be overheard by Neytiri, who rewarded him with a thump on the head "Skawng" moron! In her favorite and now famous appelation for him. "Kä, YOM Ma Frapo." Go eat. Everyone!" Later we will all start migrating to Hell'sGate to meetup with the new aytutesyip, Little People from 'Rrta."  If we get there early, so much the better. It should take all day to fly over. On ikrans." He looked pointedly at Tai,  "So you might consider giving us a two hour lead. Half of our people will be staying here. The rest of us will set up camp outside of Hell's Gate."
"Blue Heart Gate, Ma Jake" nearly everone from the Mipa Tsray said in chorus annd began telling of how the name began.
**according to Tirea's Aean's memory:  This was the supposed derivation of this fully fictitious fun word. Prrte' is pleasure. Kxener in those days was glossed as 'fruit'. and of course trr 'day', and krr 'time'. The result was "day time fruit pleasure" this joke was a smash hit with early members. Much laughter was had as the IRC lit up with prkxentrrkrr jokes of perverted nature.

Here's the link:ENJOY!