What if the Na'vi were like us in their past?

Started by GEOvanne, June 14, 2012, 10:32:20 PM

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I was thinking, what if the Na'vi are more advanced than us? Not to say they are lesser beings, but more like they went through all the stuff we went through and are like this in the end.

So they went through their stone and bronze/iron/metal ages. Had an industrial boom and big cities and advanced technologies. There were many "countries"/territories with different languages.
Also, they weren't as nice as they are now, not really concerned with connecting with Eywa, they used to have wars (and warpaint and weapons) and pollution, and even though Eywa would fight back and try to find balance they would push back just as hard. Eventually the planet started running out of resources nations starting wiping out other nations.
The Na'vi we know now are actually on post apocalyptic planet and they all speak the same language because that nation managed to wipe out all the others. There was a collapse in their society, disease killed many, eventually Eyaw was able to reclaim the planet  and after many many many years there is no sign of the big cities that used to be on the planet.
By living a simplistic lifestyle they learned to live with nature and not fight against it.

This is something I made up after I read this book about a post apocalyptic earth and how in someplace the earth had completely erased any evidence of human interference. Digging up the dirty Na'vi past before the humans got there.

Takmeyalan te Tsu'erak 'Ewfwefpìkxap'itan

That does seem quite interesting.... maybe all na'vi brothers and sisters here on earth could be... like, frozen or something till or if that happens  ;D
That'd be frackin sweet. ;D ;D
But, yeah, totally plausible and possible explanation. There's not really a whole lot of backstory in AVATAR; possibly an idea for the third movie?
Great though, ma 'eylan. ;D
Pure white would be disturbing. :)
We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.

Human No More

It would ruin a lot of their appeal, and the film's, I think. The point is about getting things right, based on what works and not, on responsibility and how things are actually used mattering more. I doubt JC is really going to ruin that (and also look hypocrtitical...) as well as ruin the film for a large proportion of fans. It's realistic scifi; suddenly turning it into fantasy is an insult.

Even thousands of years form now if humans died out, Earth would still show evidence of former habitation. That doesn't just disappear.
"I can barely remember my old life. I don't know who I am any more."

HNM, not 'Human' :)

Na'vi tattoo:
1 | 2 (finished) | 3
ToS: Human No More
Personal site coming soon(ish

"God was invented to explain mystery. God is always invented to explain those things that you do not understand."
- Richard P. Feynman

'Onatxan te Skxawng Tìrey'itan

what book was this? i have an interest in futuristic stories and dystopias and post-apocalyptic settings. especially in combinations of the options
Nga txo ke flä nìsngä'i, rä'ä kivä Eywa'evengne! ;)


Book is called ghost country.

Well maybe there is evidence of "old pandora". Its just buried under all that forest.