"Rights" verses "Responsiblity" Shared Native Perspetives.

Started by allrock123, January 31, 2016, 08:11:20 PM

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This underlying topic is often lies at the roots of "inner conflict" and debate in traditional Native Ethos and leadership "structure"
it comes down  to cultural "Ethos" foundation Structural  differences and I certainly see it quite strongly reflected In aspects of
Avatars story symbology as well.
It comes down to the "Structure of "Rights" Verses "Responsibility" how they differ and the "place" they come from.

For examples relate to "The Nature bill of rights" that in structure is a legal recognition of  underlying rights of nature "to exist"
The Concern ,, To a Person of native ancestry the very "act" by a group of "Human political leaders feeling from  there perspective of reality they have the Power and  "Audacity" to Grant
nature The "Rights" to exist  is absolutely ridiculous in there "eyes" this touches on core flaw in the underlying structure of cultures source thinking. 
again this certainly apply to acts of  "Granting" "Human Rights" this should be an intrinsic "responsibility" and responsibility's are "Internal" on the part of all of "Us" as a people   
Again this comes to mind as an externally granted "privilege" of politics as apposed to a core act of expected source "responsibility"  coming internaly from within..
or simply better said from native medicine wheel perspectives ( the ability to come from An "internal" locus of control) as a person we are responsible, as a society we act from this place. of internal integrity,,
This Avatar fan created video comes to mnd again for its symbology .. Avatar "We Are"
and yes I believe many Avatar fans core "See" and understand this at a emotional feeling level and this likely was the drive to question aspects of our peoples own "ethos" structure in painful self reflection for some
   , please take a look at the video example at the bottom first then compare to this
Avatar tribute --- We Are (Reflective example)

if interested please leave commits to the videos authors .. there is hopes for the sharing of dialog in this topic .

Irayo all

"Rights Verses Responsibility: spoken upon by Chief Oren Lyons (updated) 
