Introduce Yourself

Started by zombatt, December 21, 2009, 01:45:29 AM

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hi guys my name is eddie, im 19. I have some training with Latin, Chinese (mandarin), and Esperanto (yeah nerdy...)  i speak english and spanish (good for rolling the R's) and i beatbox often so the ejectives are cake. Hope to learn alot from you guys, im not a linguist and i dont know the terminology but id really like to learn na'vi so maybe we can do it together?


Kaltxì Jon, Mikomi, Lingoman, Doty, Eddie
Speed is a ppoor sbubstitue fo accurancy

Check out my blogif my presence on this board isn't weird enough for you.


Welcome everyone!

It's getting crowded in here, so I'm locking this thread -- Create a new thread for introducing yourself!