The Emerald Forest

Started by Redpaintednavi, October 14, 2010, 02:41:03 PM

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Is there someone who remembers the movie The Emerald Forest? It was made in the year 1985 by John Boorman. It is about a little boy who was taken and adopted by an indigenous people in the Amazon. In the film we follow the father looking for his son. We also follow how the boy, Tomme (Tommy) lives among his new people.
Also we see how the modern ciilization destroy the rainforest and how the culture and life of the indigenous peoples are threatened by destruction and how the arrival of modern civilisation sets in motion a spiral of violence. We see how native girls are abducted to become sex slaves among the civilized and how Tomme and his friends go out on a daring rescue mission to save them.
We see the reunion of father and son and how the father sides with the indigenous people in their struggle for survival.

Emerald forest is a movie that like Avatar immerses you and makes you feel that you are actually there together with the protagonists. It contrasts the wondeful beauty of the rainforest and its people against the ugliness of the modern capitalist civilisation, with its environmental destruction and its moral decay.

We really get to like the young boy Tomme and his lovely girl Kachiri. Kachiri is really a symbol of natural beauty and naked innocense.

Emerald forest is said to be one of the many movies that inspired Cameron when he made Avatar. And it has many resemblances, especially in how it contrasts the natural life of the indigenous people against the destructive forces of civilisation. Also it shows a foreigner coming into a native culture and making this culture his own.

Tomme and Kachiri