NotW #61 Amaya

Started by Amaya, June 20, 2011, 10:00:29 PM

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 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o Wow, I never thought I'd be here. :-\ I've always been far too retiring a sort on any forum I've been involved in to be well-enough known for this sort of thing, and yet here I am...

:D :D :D so first I have to say a great big "irayo!" to 'Itan Atxur for nominating me!  *snuggleglomps* Thanks again, hockey-buddy!~  Even if your team did end up making a mockery of my team (but not the, the fans did that themselves...but we're getting off topic ::) )

Anyway, I would normally have had this up some time last night after midnight but I was (for the first time in almost a year) away overnight, so you all had to wait a bit.  Hope it's worth waiting for (but I don't hold out any real expectations HRH)

So let's get this party started!

Quote from: Question #1Who are you?

Ooooooboy, start with the easy ones why don't you?  Okay then, since you asked, I'll try to keep this decently un-rambling.  I make no promises though :P

I'm Amaya, a 33-year-old (yes I'm ancient) girl who happens to enjoy far too many hobbies, Avatar being only one of many.  I'm trained as a Med Lab Assistant although not working just now, and I'm a writer.  I also know smatterings of different exotic languages (another hobby.  I have, at various times in my life, studied Irish Gaelic, Japanese, Quenya and Middle Egyptian and now, of course Na'vi), have an almost-BA in Physical Anthropology which I once thought might lead to Forensic Anthropology, make costumes, draw now and then, play the violin, sing, prattle on incessantly...

Quote from: Question #2Why are you here?

This is an easier question to answer.  I'm here because even before I'd heard of the movie Avatar I saw or heard a bit of an interview with K. Pawl about having developed the language and was intrigued but promptly forgot all about it.  Then after I finally saw the movie around the end of January '10 I remembered "Oh yeah, I think that's what that interview was about with that guy who made that language, I wonder if there's anything on teh intarwebz about it?" which led me to google "Na'vi language" which led me here, although I didn't actually join the site until a month or so later when I was looking for appropriate words to use in my Magnum Opus (otherwise known as my massive Fanfic Brotherhood).   Besides that, though, I've always been fascinated with languages and, more importantly, what they can tell us about the cultures from which they derive.

Quote from: Question #3Where do your alias and profile pic come from?

My alias, Amaya, is the same one I've used for over ten years now.  I used to use "Elwing" before that, but Amaya is one that's just stuck around.  When I decided to join the forums I very carefully checked Na'vi's phonetic rules and made sure that the phonemes were legal and then, when they were, I just stuck with it.  Amaya is actually a Japanese name that means "Night Rain", so "Txona Tompa" was an idea I flirted with briefly, but frankly it just wasn't as pretty.  I like the flow of "Amaya" and my dream is that one day it'll actually have a meaning in Na'vi (Anyone want to make a suggestion?  HRH it's not like I'm famous enough for K. Pawl to randomly decide to name something after me...yet)

As for the picture, yes, that is me!  A few years ago...well, maybe more than a few ;)  I'm peering out between the trees at the cabin my family owned until I was in my twenties and look very sylvan.  It's always been one of my very favourite pictures, and I wish I had the skill to make an Avatarization of it.  I have the feeling it would be absolutely adorable.  The child of two Avatars after the RDA was kicked off the planet for good, perhaps?   >.> Darnit I didn't need more story ideas!!

Quote from: Question #4Srak nga tsun nìna'vi pivlltxe?

Bits and pieces, nothing you'd really call "conversational" but I know the basics.  Mostly I just haven't sat down to learn it.  Unfortunately during my university career I had a very bad experience with an extremely boring and un-entertaining linguistics class and have an immidate "brain-fuzz-turn-off" reaction to linguistics terms, so a lot of the resources presently available really don't work for me.  I don't need to know the special names for what the infixes and suffixes are, in fact, please don't even tell me!  Tell me that if I want to put something in the future I use this or if I want to make something a command I use that, otherwise I'm just going to (mentally) stick my fingers in my ears and start singing "LALALA I can't hear you!!!!"

I would say, though, that I have a decent vocabulary, mostly because I use a great deal of pidgin Na'vi in my writing.  For me, when you're writing a story using speakers of a different language, it only makes sense to use their words for things that don't directly translate into your language.  Things like "kiyevame" or "syaksyuk".  Because frankly, if I have Mo'at scolding her daughters as children by asking "Did I raise little Na'vi girls or a pair of aysyaksyuk?" it would sound really fricking odd to have her asking if she'd raised "prolemuris", which is clearly (to those who have studied any kind of biology) a construct of the bastardized greek and latin that is scientific and medical terminology.  I am scrupulous, though, in making sure I provide my readers with a glossary of terms used at the end of each chapter.  There is a very fine line between adding character and atmosphere through the sprinkling of alternate-language terms and just turning a reader off by being too confusing.

Quote from: Question #5What's you favorite Na'vi word? Did you incorporate it (or others) into your everyday vocab?

My favourite word is Prrte', probably because I have always (as a long-time cat owner and lover of all things feline) associated pleasure with the sound of purring, and prrte' sounds very much like the purr-call of a mother cat speaking to her kittens.  Haven't found a use for this in everyday vocab yet, sadly.  That would require having a yawnetu, after all.

But we aren't here to discuss my sad and pathetic lack of a lovelife!  On to the next question!

Quote from: Question #6In your opinion, what are the top three user-created content on the LN website?

Um...hmm...three...this is actually difficult as I don't actually use all that many of the resources...  I would say the one I get the most use out of is the dictionary, and other than that...does the language development section of the forums count?  Because I find that absolutely fascinating!

Quote from: Question #7Have you made any contributions to the LN community that you're particularly proud of?

Well, there's the fact that I'm the token-female, token-Canadian member of Avatar Nation, but really, the thing I'm most proud of is Brotherhood.  And yes, I know, I haven't updated in just over three months >.> but I promise I'm doing my best to get the next chapter out this week, and to get more out again as well.  I'm working very hard at slaying the evil demon known as Writer's Block.

If anyone actually wants to know why I started writing Brotherhood feel free to ask and I'll expound on my motivations, but I'm not sure it's relevant to the forum directly, so...

Quote from: Question #8What is it that you liked/hated the most about Avatar ?

I would say what I liked the most about Avatar was the obvious effort put into making the Na'vi a realistic culture and Eywa'eveng a realistic world.  As one who writes, and writes epics, I appreciate seeing that kind of dedication from a fellow creator.  I wouldn't say there was anything I hated, although a certain tendency to kill off all the awesome strong women did kinda p** me off, I will definitely say.  As for how many times I've seen it, I couldn't really say, but I saw it twice in the theatre in the original release, then once at the Imax, then twice more for the extended edition release last summer, and have watched it in whole or in part too many times to count at home.  As I'm not working, getting to see it that many times in the theatre took some doing, and in order to see the EE I actually rode around my neighborhood looking for bottles to return.

And if that isn't proof enough that I'm a total "Avatard", I present Brotherhood again as evidence.  It's more than 300,000 words and has spawned four side stories, a prequil and ideas for a sequil.  I'm likely going to be playing in Mr. Cameron's universe for the rest of my life.  I just hope someday I'll get paid for playing! ;)

Quote from: Question #9Has Avatar  changed your life in any way?

Hmm...  A valid question.  I would have to say yes and no.  I've always been "green" (or "blue" as the case may be) since I was raised spending summers on an island off the grid, with no power, no car, no hot and cold running water, no shower, no phone (well anyway not at first, and then it was one of those massive cells with the five-pound battery) get the picture.  I've always been extremely close to nature, and my life choices reflect that.  I'm Wiccan, I respect where my food comes from, I grow beans and potatoes and tomatoes and other goodies...  As for the braid, I've had long hair all my life, and it's not quite as long as a Na'vi tswin but not from lack of trying.  My hair's presently about three feet long, and it is indeed quite often worn in a braid down my back, the tail of which tends to sit right in the small of my back.  I could go on and on, but suffice it to say if anything, Avatar only made me more of what I already am.

Quote from: Question #10If you could ask Frommer or Cameron three movie or language related questions what would they be?

hehehehe oh this one!  I've been wanting to play with this question forever!

Okay, here they are:
1: Mr. Cameron, please, please, please tell us what kinship system the Na'vi use!  Please!
2: Dr. Frommer, would you make my name into a Na'vi word?  Or just give it a meaning from some other words being mashed together?  That would be totally awesome!
3: Mr. Cameron, were you telling the truth when you said you might open up your world to other authors once your book was written?  Please say you were, because I want to continue to play there, and if I could get paid for it that would be kick-ass!

Quote from: Question #11What else do you do in you free time?

Oh gods, let's not even get into this.  Too much.  I have, at various times, drawn, cross-stitched, created dolls, designed dresses based on insects and plants, written, played violin, built model starships (Star Trek), played tin whistle, read, stargazed, bred siamese cats, made costumes (mostly for anime), gone camping, gone swimming, cooked, baked, grown heritage veggies...I have more hobbies than I have lifetimes for.

Quote from: Question #12Name your top three favorite Earth animals from most favorite to least. Why those? What's the animal you're most terrified of?

First off I'm not terrified of any animal.  I have a healthy respect for predators as well as little things that could bite and sting me and possibly kill me, but fear, and especially terror, is not the right way to properly respect our Mother's other children.  Neither is hate. (end of rant)

As for my favourite animals, I'd have to go with:
1:Cats - There's just something about a small furry body curled up in the middle of your chest and purring...  Ultimately though I think it's the purring.  This world's most soothing and theraputic sound.
2: Wolves - I'm pretty sure this comes from reading too much fantasy (is there such a thing?) but there is a certain mystery and nobility I associate with wolves.  Hmm...maybe it isn't the fantasy.  Thinking back, quite a bit of it likely began with Julie of the Wolves, which I read when I was about ten or so.
3: Horses.  I've always loved the beauty and grace of horses, and the amazing feeling of having an animal moving underneath you, effortlessly taking you wherever you want to go.  The bond between horse and rider has always intrigued me.  Sadly, though, I'm highly allergic to timothy hay, which meant that I could never spend much time at a stable (my best friend from childhood worked at a stable for a time, and I came to help her twice or so before I gave in and realized that there was just not enough antihistamine in the world that would allow me to be around the hay for that amount of time a day)

Quote from: Question #13Pirate, ninja, zombie, or robot?

Pirate.  Or, more properly, pirate wench.  I have far too much fun with Teh Boobays for any of the others, and pirate wenches are strong, capable women who kick txìm and take names!

Quote from: Question #14What three items would you take to a desert island and why?

Why does it have to be a desert island?  Can it just be deserted instead?  With a nice patch of NWC forest?  I already know how to live off the land around here, after all!  Okay, so what three things would I take?  My grandfather's Swiss Army knife, a pot, and a blanket.  Basically that's all I'd really need ;D

Quote from: Question #15If you could travel to anywhere in space and time (including fictional universes), where would you go and why?

Oh man....way too open.  Just give me a time machine and set me loose!  Oh I know!  Put me in Bill and Ted's fictional universe in the future San Diemas so I can have access to one of those fancy phone booths.  That would be perfect.  I've always been fascinated by history and nothing could make me happier than to be able to troup around and watch all kinds of different historical events and see what ACTUALLY happened ;D

Quote from: Question #16If you were granted one single wish what would it be?

Easy.  To be self-sufficient enough (moneywise) to be able to move to and live on Gambier Island permanently.

Quote from: Question #17What is a question you'd ask yourself? How would you answer it?

Q: Why are you still sitting around on your lazy txìm?
A: You know, honestly, just lazy :P

Quote from: Question #18True or false?

Hehehehehe Okay, here's three:

1: I know the word for "water" in twenty different languages
2: My great-grandfather's first cousin was Prime Minister of Canada
3: As a child I played on the Speaker's chair of Manitoba on a regular basis

Quote from: Question #19: My Life is AVTRWhat is the funniest, weirdest, or most embarrassing Na'vi or Avatar  related thing that has happened to you?

To preface this story, there is a street here called "Pandora Avenue".  A couple of weeks back my mother and I were doing some chores and had to get to a place we hadn't been in a while so couldn't remember which street we had to turn down in order to be on the right side of the street for it.  It turned out that Pandora was the street to take, but we only realized that after having driven down Fisgard.  As we turned onto Pandora I turned to my mom and said "You're not on Fisgard anymore..."

Unfortunately she didn't get the joke.  Oh well, at least it made me laugh (mentally).

Quote from: Question #20: Bonus QuestionIf you were a character from Avatar, who would you be?

Oooooooooooo....  Okay, I have two answers to this.  If I'm allowed to pick a character who actually exists but whom I expounded upon and made into a more "complete" character for my fic then I would choose Ninat.  If I have to stick to film-only, then I would say I'm a younger, much-less-cynical version of Grace.

;D ;D ;D  Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.  Well, unless I've forgotten anything (which I probably have.  As I've said before, I have wAAAAAAAAAy too many hobbies 8) )

Ftxavanga Txe′lan

*nods eagerly in approval of 'Itan Atxur's choice* ;D ;D ;D

I've always found your opinions and your way to express yourself very pleasant and nice, ma Alyara! :) Also, I really know what you mean when you say you have too many hobbies.. hehe I'm in the same situation. ;) Congratulations, and enjoy your week. :D

As for the questions, I say True-True-False. It's always so difficult to take a guess! hrh ;D

DJ Makto

Congratulations to a good friend.

Hmm questions...

With out cheating too much I will say:




Yay for Amaya!  ;D

Hmm... T/F/T.

33 isn't that old... Sam Worthington is like, 34.  ;D


Hehehehe true...actually I'm the same age as (born in the same year as, anyway) Joel David Moore, so... 8)

Swoka Ikran

Seykxel sì nitram ma Amaya :)

I'll say Ngay/Tsleng/Tsleng for my guess.
2010 was the year of the Na'vi.Vivar 'ivong Na'vi!

Avatray | NWOTD Sigbars | Sacred's Sigbar Tool | My collection of Avatar merchandise


Conga-rats to a very deserving member.

Cats.  You've just gotta love 'em.  There's something about a purring cat that's just good for the soul.  :D  >^..^<

It's a tough call, but I'll say true, false, true.
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.

'Oma Tirea

Quote from: Swoka Ikran on June 20, 2011, 10:51:10 PM
Seykxel sì nitram ma Amaya :)

I'll say Ngay/Tsleng/Tsleng for my guess.

Oeri nìteng



Srake serar le'Ìnglìsìa lì'fyayä aylì'ut?  Nari si älofoniru rutxe!!


Seykxel sì nitram, ma Amaya!

I guess Ngay/Ngay/Tsleng.
Have a great week!

'Itan Atxur

Congrats ;)

I had no idea you're a writer! Guess I REALLY need to start visiting the rest of the forum :o

Also, Bill and Ted's adventures totally kick ass! I only saw the first one recently and it's totally one of those "so bad it's good" movies.

As for the T/F I don't know. My guts telling me F/T/T but I'm gonna go with T/T/F.

Congrats again and as always.. be excellent to eachother! (<--New life motto ;))

Check out more from my DeviantArt page HERE


Seykxel sì nitram !


Toruk Makto

Guessing N/N/Ts.


Lì'fyari leNa'vi 'Rrtamì, vay set 'almong a fra'u zera'u ta ngrrpongu
Na'vi Dictionary:


Did you mention breeding Siamese cats? I have two.  :D One is really fat and stupid and the other is attractive and cool.

Did your cats ever play the piano with chopsticks?   ;)

Human No More

Congratulations :)

Your fanfic sounds interesting, I might have to take a look when I can. Also, Pandora Avenue sounds like win :P.

"I can barely remember my old life. I don't know who I am any more."

HNM, not 'Human' :)

Na'vi tattoo:
1 | 2 (finished) | 3
ToS: Human No More
Personal site coming soon(ish

"God was invented to explain mystery. God is always invented to explain those things that you do not understand."
- Richard P. Feynman

Maria TunVrrtep

Congratulations, Amaya. 

My guesses are
1. True
2. True
3. False

Oh and you certainly aren't ancient.  Heck, I'm 45 and I'm here.  And I know there are some who are older than me. 
* Mrrìa TunVrrtep bats her eyes innocently.

"Ke'u ke lu law a krr frakem tsunslu." -
    Margaret Drabble
("When nothing is sure, everything is possible.")

Alyara Arati

purr-ìp!  purrr! purr! (my translation of the cat for seykxel sì nitram)

Learn how to see.  Realize that everything connects to everything else.
~ Leonardo da Vinci


HRH so many people suddenly realizing I write 8) just goes to show how many people didn't read my sig  :P

Seriously though, it really is rewarding when, as an author, I can bring people enjoyment and a deeper understanding of a world they already love :D

'Itan Atxur

Wow. Hrh, I totally feel lame now :(

Check out more from my DeviantArt page HERE


To be completely honest, I was surprised you weren't nominated earlier, ma Amaya.

And I started reading Brotherhood. Awesome :D

'Oma Tirea

Quote from: Amaya on June 22, 2011, 10:58:26 PM
HRH so many people suddenly realizing I write 8) just goes to show how many people didn't read my sig  :P

If the old NaNoWriMo pic in your sig doesn't give it away... ;D



Srake serar le'Ìnglìsìa lì'fyayä aylì'ut?  Nari si älofoniru rutxe!!