Copy - Paste [Forum game!]

Started by Kxeyo, July 18, 2010, 05:24:17 AM

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            if (reportData.Count > 0)
                var repitem = reportData[0];
                var establishment = KTSReportClass.GetEstablishment( (int) repitem.EstablishmentId);
                base.pictureBox1.Value = KTSReportClass.byteArrayToImage(establishment.EstablishmentImage);
                base.pictureBox1.Sizing = ImageSizeMode.ScaleProportional;
                base.NameBox.Value = establishment.Name;
                base.AddressBox.Value = establishment.Street + " " + establishment.HouseNumber;
                base.ZipCityBox.Value = establishment.ZipCode + "  " + establishment.City;
                base.NameBox.Value = ApplicationContext.Instance.Username;
            base.UserNowBox.Value = KTSReportClass.GetUserbox();
Krr a lì'fya lam sraw, may' frivìp utralit.

Ngopyu ayvurä.


"... The only people that are going to have a chance to make a living playing music is the people who do exactly what they believe in ... they have to believe in this so much that they are ready to die for it." - Jojo Mayer

On indefinite leave.  Will be back periodically. Feel free to say Kaltxí: I'll get back when I can. :D

My facebook.  Please mention you are from LN if you ch


Oe lu Kxeyo—

—pa'liyä maktoyu. Vitra ata'lengean oeru lu. ♾️

Quote from: Ku'rända on January 09, 2011, 11:32:47 AMActually, that would be an interesting thought; if gay Na'vi would actually mate, or just run off in the bushes for a little bum-fun!

Quote from: Alyara Arati on February 24, 2012, 06:15:11 AMKxa (Open your mouth and say "Kxa") :P


Oe lu Kxeyo—

—pa'liyä maktoyu. Vitra ata'lengean oeru lu. ♾️

Quote from: Ku'rända on January 09, 2011, 11:32:47 AMActually, that would be an interesting thought; if gay Na'vi would actually mate, or just run off in the bushes for a little bum-fun!

Quote from: Alyara Arati on February 24, 2012, 06:15:11 AMKxa (Open your mouth and say "Kxa") :P

Tsuksìm atsawl (KaPTan)

I estimate that I will need 4 people the weekend before my project to paint the table boards.  The weekend of the project, I plan to have 3 work crews, as follows:
Windsock Pole/bow rack installation – 6 people (2 adults)
Bow rack/bench removal – 4 people
Table board replacement – 6 people

I will also assign one person to take photographs of the work as it is being done.

Time schedule

I estimate that my project will take two Saturdays to complete.  The first Saturday will be used to paint the new table boards.  The second Saturday will be the main project day, and will require approximately 8 to 10 hours to complete all the work (including set-up and clean-up)
working on my eagle project...
Also a member of the podcast known as Avatar Nation.  Come listen to our stuff! like us on facebook and chech out our blog at


Meer over Jake's andere leven - erover praten in het verhaal
Krr a lì'fya lam sraw, may' frivìp utralit.

Ngopyu ayvurä.



"... The only people that are going to have a chance to make a living playing music is the people who do exactly what they believe in ... they have to believe in this so much that they are ready to die for it." - Jojo Mayer

On indefinite leave.  Will be back periodically. Feel free to say Kaltxí: I'll get back when I can. :D

My facebook.  Please mention you are from LN if you ch


Sіr. Ηaxalot


Jag har själv varit i kontakt med vår programavdelning och de säger sig vara positiva, men att distributörerna inte har återkommit till dem efter detta besked. Vi får hålla tummarna!

Med vänlig hälsning

A mail From Swedish Film's suppot that's basically saying that outlooks are good for Avatar SE :D


1.  Can you talk a bit about your decision to become a puppy raiser?  (when did you move to the area, how did you hear about NEADS, have you always loved dogs?, etc.)

2.  How does the weekend furlough program work?  How often do you pick up the puppy and work with him/her--every weekend, twice a month, or does it vary?  What are the kinds of things you do when socializing/training a puppy?  What are typically the hardest tasks for a puppy to master/the easiest?  Do you have any funny or frustrating anecdotes from your experiences with Ronnie and Ellie?

3.  As the puppy grows older, can you sense whether he or she will be successful or flunk out?  If so, is the dog at some point evaluated by a NEADS trainer and either left in the program or pulled out?  What are some of the most common reasons a dog will flunk out --or are they unique to each dog?

4.  Do you attend all the NEADS graduations?  If so, do you do that as a part of the puppy's training, or to reconnect with NEADS folks, or to see a particular team graduate?

5.  What is the most challenging part of your job?  What is the most rewarding part?

6.  Can you describe the differences in training Ronnie as opposed to Ellie (I realize you spent much more time with Ellie)?  Do you adjust your training techniques in accordance with the specific personalities of the dogs?

7.  Can you foresee this dog training as a prelude to your life's vocation?

8.  Are there other observations you'd like to register in your essay?

Sіr. Ηaxalot

mat_forcedynamic 1 //Forces dynamic lighting/highlights. You WILL lose FPS with this.
mat_force_ps_patch 1 //I have no idea what this does. It seems to affect CP's holograms. You may expirience slightly higher FPS with this.
mat_force_bloom 1

// Renderer
//BELOW: Enables software AA at maximum quality. Software AA works alongside normal AA, and helps to remove further
//aliasing, such as power lines. Little to no frame loss with this enabled.
mat_software_aa_quality 1
mat_software_aa_strength 1
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui 1
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines 0.5
mat_software_aa_edge_threshold 1.4

// Material Quality (Lowers FPS Somewhat)
mat_picmip -10 //"Ultra High" textures.
mp_usehwmmodels 1 //Uses the high quality faces from the "meet the" videos.
mp_usehwmvcds 1 //Use high quality facial animations.
r_eyeglintlodpixels 12 //Allows eyes to be rendered at full quality across the map.

// Physics (Increases CPU usage in some situations. Don't use this if you're not running Multicore.)
cl_ragdoll_collide 1 //Clientside ragdolls collide with other clientside ragdolls.

// Sound
//snd_digital_surround 0 //Enables Digital Surround Sound for speakers with SRS. ONLY USE THIS IF YOU HAVE SRS ENABLED STEREO SPEAKERS! This CVAR can cause issues with sv_consistency 1 servers.
dsp_enhance_stereo 1 //Better quality sounds. Defaults to 0 on some systems. Comment this if you use headphones.
//snd_surround_speakers 5
snd_mixahead 0.1

// Team Fortress 2 Only (Lowers FPS)
cl_new_impact_effects 1 //Uses particles instead of sprites for bullet impacts.
cl_burninggibs 1 //If a player is on fire and gibs, his gibs are on fire too.

// Distance Viewing
//cl_maxrenderable_dist 3000 //Makes everything outside the map visible.

//(Daimao) VAS HERE
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 120 //It makes the ragdolls not fade over time.

//Models, Rain, Decals
mp_decals 4096 //Maximum number of decals visible at one time.
r_radiosity 2 //Enables prop radiosity with 162 samples.
r_propsmaxdist 5000 //Maximum visible distance for props.
r_rainradius 2500 //Makes the radius of rain fall around you larger, so you can see the rain from further away.
r_rainsplashpercentage "100" //Sets the percentage that the rain makes a splash in the water.
r_avglight 3 //Puts more lighting on objects.
r_decals 4096 //Sets the amount of decals that stay on objects.
r_maxmodeldecal 128 //Sets the amount of decals that appear on models.

//Stuff from Quantum's Little Config. (Thanks, Quantum!)
r_maxdlights 128 //Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen. The larger this maximum, the more chance of slowdowns during scenes with multiple dynamic light sources. Reducing this value can improve performance in scenes with multiple dynamic lights, such as in heavy combat.
r_shadowmaxrendered 128 //Max. count of rendered Shadow [TF2-VideoConfigMenu: 0=min 32=High]
cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize 512
blink_duration 0.3 //How many seconds an eye blink will last.
r_worldlights 16 //Number of world lights to use per vertex
mat_envmapsize 512 //EnviromentMap -> Background Images in not reachable Sections of the Map, same as the skybox | Greater Size value better Imagequality
mat_envmaptgasize 512 //UNKOWN -> EnviromentMap Size for Skybox? Greater value better Imagequality (max 512 ?)
lod_TransitionDist 8000 //When is Level of Detail used (Distance) ? Greater Value = less Performance/better Quality
r_decal_cullsize 0 //The distance (0-15) from which bulletholes are visible. Higher numbers mean a shorter viewing
cl_detailfade 4000 //Distance across which detail props fade in
cl_detaildist 12000 //Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
cl_phys_props_max 3000 //Count of physical Props
rope_subdiv 8 //Rope subdivision amount Anti-Aliasing on(2,4,8)/off(0)
rope_wind_dist 2000 //Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance
mat_wateroverlaysize 512 //Quality of reflect image in water and glass (Greater Size -> more Pixel for Detail) [to take effect r_waterdrawreflection 1]
r_cheapwaterend 8000 //End of the CheapWater rendering (all behind this range is black water)
r_cheapwaterstart 5000 //Start of the CheapWater rendering (all before this range is expensive waterrendering)
r_waterforceexpensive 1 //1 = High (reflect world), 0 = Low (simple reflect)
r_waterforcereflectentities 1 //1 = High (reflect all), 0 = Low
fov_desired 90 //Field of View in Degree
mat_shadowstate 2 //noShadow(0)/circelAsShadow(1)/playerModelAsShadow(2)
datacachesize 128 //GeneralDataCache in MB. Use 64MB for 1GB, 128MB for >= 2GB
mem_max_heapsize 1024 //Has to be set higher because of CommandLineCommand "-heapsize"| Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, dont user more then half of your Memory

// Field of View settings.
_fov 90
default_fov 90
viewmodel_fov_demo 70

// Other
rate 999999999
r_rootlod 0
cl_forcepreload 1 //Force texture preloading
sv_forcepreload 1
jpeg_quality 100 //Better quality screenshots with F5.
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 1 //Enables a tunnel vision like motionblur when moving at high speeds.
mat_motion_blur_strength 0.3 // Stengthens the blur.(Thanks Daimao)
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity 0
r_lod 0 //Removes "Level Of Detail" from models.
mat_parallaxmap 1
mat_bumpmap 1
mat_clipz 0
mat_hdr_tonemapscale 16
mat_parallaxmap 1
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity 3
mat_motion_blur_falling_max 40
mat_motion_blur_falling_min 10
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 1
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max 5
mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity 0.3
mat_motion_blur_strength 0.3

Tsuksìm atsawl (KaPTan)

all I got out of the above post was "I can Haz Cheezberger?"
Also a member of the podcast known as Avatar Nation.  Come listen to our stuff! like us on facebook and chech out our blog at

Sіr. Ηaxalot

Men va i HELVETE?! Nu jävlar!


his rules can always be changed. Thank you.

"... The only people that are going to have a chance to make a living playing music is the people who do exactly what they believe in ... they have to believe in this so much that they are ready to die for it." - Jojo Mayer

On indefinite leave.  Will be back periodically. Feel free to say Kaltxí: I'll get back when I can. :D

My facebook.  Please mention you are from LN if you ch

Tsuksìm atsawl (KaPTan)

Hay un oso de peluche.  El oso de peluche se llama justin bieber.  Justin Bieber se vive en el basurero en Las Vegas.  Justin Bieber es muy suave.  Justin Bieber se gusta cuchillos.  Por que él tiene una problema. Él no tiene los cuchillos nada.  Él tiene dos mil nueve cuchillos.  Para comprar los cuchillos Justin Bieber va a la club Gato triste. En el gato triste él baila para dos dias.  En el gato triste Justin Bieber compré dos mil ocho cuchillos con el espiritu, pero Justin tiene un problemo.  Él necesito un mas cuchillo.  Para recibir un mas cuchillo, Justin Bieber va a la Cuba en un Monopatin Magico.  En Cuba, Justin Bieber ve Fidel Castro con un Cuchillo especial.  Para recibir el cuchillo, Justin bieber juege en el equipo de beisbol para Cuba y él gana y el tiene va a la basura de cuba para Vive.
Also a member of the podcast known as Avatar Nation.  Come listen to our stuff! like us on facebook and chech out our blog at


Krro krro pamrel seri fìtsengmì, alu oey pìlok leNa'vi
Sometimes writing here, on my Na'vi blog
=^● ⋏ ●^=