Translating missing text strings

Started by Tìtstewan, September 03, 2015, 03:04:17 PM

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Kaltxì ma frapo,

Few days ago, I have installed various language packages as we have non-english native speakers here, too.

We have following languages installed:
  • German
  • Czech
  • Polish
  • Spanish Latin
  • Russian
  • English British
  • Swedish
  • Japanese
  • French
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Hungarian

We have a few various modification installed that aren't translated into these languages. So, you can help in translating them. Following are the text strings of various modifications from the english language file:

$txt['bbc_spoiler'] = 'Insert Spoiler';
$txt['spoiler_tag_text'] = 'Spoiler';

$txt['desc'] = 'Add Word Description';

// Wysiwyg Quick Reply
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Choose Quick Reply Type';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (with smilies only)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Only';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (with smilies only)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (standard)';

$txt['stafflist'] = 'Staff List';

$txt['nobbc'] = 'Insert No BBC';

$txt['html5_audio_not_supported'] = 'Your browser does not support HTML5 audio tags.';
$txt['html5_audio'] = 'Insert audio tag';

$txt['Post_anonymous'] = '<b>Post with your username? (NOT ANONYMOUS)</b>';

If this has been translated in your language, I am going to add them into the specific language file. :)

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// SMF Media Gallery extra strings
$txt['mgallery_gallery'] = 'Galerij';
$txt['mgallery_home'] = 'Start';
$txt['mgallery_unseen'] = 'Niet bekeken';
$txt['mgallery_profile_sum'] = 'Samenvatting';
$txt['mgallery_view_items'] = 'Afbeeldingen bekijken';
$txt['mgallery_view_coms'] = 'Reacties bekijken';
$txt['mgallery_view_votes'] = 'Stemmen bekijken';
$txt['mgallery_gotolink'] = 'Meer details...';
$txt['permissiongroup_mgallery'] = 'SMF-mediagalerij';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_mgallery'] = 'SMF-mediagalerij';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_access'] = 'Galerij bekijken';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_moderate'] = 'Galerij modereren';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_manage'] = 'Galerij administreren';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_access_unseen'] = 'Niet-bekeken afbeeldingen bekijken';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_search'] = 'In galerij zoeken';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_user_album'] = 'Gebruikersalbums toevoegen';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_playlists'] = 'Gebruikersafspeellijsten toevoegen';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_auto_approve_albums'] = 'Gebruikersalbums automatisch goedkeuren';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'Galerijprofiel van iedereen bekijken';
$txt['cannot_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'Je kunt geen galerijprofielen bekijken';
// End SMF Media Gallery strings

// Spoiler Mod
// BBC Strings
$txt['bbc_spoiler'] = 'Spoiler invoegen';

// Post View Text
$txt['spoiler_tag_text'] = 'Spoiler';
$txt['spoiler_tag_hover_info'] = '(zet cursor hierop om te laten zien)';

// Mod Settings
$txt['defaultSpoilerStyle'] = 'Spoilermodus';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onhoverovershow'] = 'Weergeven als cursor erop staat';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onlinkclickshow'] = 'Weergeven bij klikken op link';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onbuttonclickshow'] = 'Weergeven bij klikken op knop';

$txt['desc'] = 'Beschrijving toevoegen';

// Wysiwyg Quick Reply
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Kies snel-antwoord-modus';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (met BBC-knoppen en smileys)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (met alleen smileys)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'Alleen WYSIWYG';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Niet-WYSIWYG (met BBC-knoppen en smileys)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Niet-WYSIWYG (met alleen smileys)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Niet-WYSIWYG (standaard)';

// Begin SMF Staff Page Text Strings
$txt['smfstaff_stafflist'] = 'Medewerkerslijst';

$txt['nobbc'] = 'Geen-BBC toevoegen';

Edit: how do you switch to another language? I can't find the option... :-\


Will add asap!

Quote from: Wllìm on September 03, 2015, 04:23:00 PM
Edit: how do you switch to another language? I can't find the option... :-\
Check your profile > account related settings and look at "Preferred Language" ;)

Added! Please test. :)

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I will not improve the French version. 80% of the time you will read English text, so it's not worth it.
I can still help you with the Na'vi version. Now I see people telling me to take their money. :P

Fmawn Ta 'Rrta - News IN NA'VI ONLY (Discord)
Traducteur francophone de, dict-navi et Reykunyu


I have mentioned that somewhere, I totally can give you the english language package for translation. :)
And be careful with apostrophes in php:
Code (php) Select
$txt['mgallery_view_items'] = 'Tse\'a ayut';

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We can make a collab :D

I have all the week-end + monday to do it.
Fmawn Ta 'Rrta - News IN NA'VI ONLY (Discord)
Traducteur francophone de, dict-navi et Reykunyu


Sure. There are 33 php files to be translated, plus one two images and a few audio files. :)

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Irayo ma Tìtstewan, I found the setting and it works perfectly :)

By the way, the footer text (LearnNavi is not affiliated with the official Avatar website ...) is not translated, I can also translate that, if you want.

Quote from: Vawmataw on September 03, 2015, 05:01:04 PM
We can make a collab :D

I can also help with this! :D The forum in Na'vi would be txantsan!


Nìprrte'! :)

Quote from: Wllìm on September 04, 2015, 01:00:13 AM
By the way, the footer text (LearnNavi is not affiliated with the official Avatar website ...) is not translated, I can also translate that, if you want.
The footer does not use text strings...

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Blue Elf

Czech strings:

// SMF Media Gallery extra strings
$txt['mgallery_gallery'] = 'Galerie';
$txt['mgallery_home'] = 'Domů';
$txt['mgallery_unseen'] = 'Neprohlédnuté';
$txt['mgallery_profile_sum'] = 'Shrnutí';
$txt['mgallery_view_items'] = 'Prohlížet položky';
$txt['mgallery_view_coms'] = 'Prohlížet komentáře';
$txt['mgallery_view_votes'] = 'Zobrazit hlasování';
$txt['mgallery_gotolink'] = 'Více detailů...';
$txt['permissiongroup_mgallery'] = 'SMF Galerie Médií';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_mgallery'] = 'SMF Galerie Médií';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_access'] = 'Přístup ke galerii';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_moderate'] = 'Moderovat galerii';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_manage'] = 'Administrovat galerii';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_access_unseen'] = 'Přístup do neprohlédnuté oblasti';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_search'] = 'Prohledávat galerii';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_user_album'] = 'Přidat uživatelské album';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_playlists'] = 'Přidat uživatelský seznam skladeb';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_auto_approve_albums'] = 'Automaticky schválit uživatelské album';
$txt['permissionname_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'Prohlížet profil číkoliv galerie';
$txt['cannot_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'Nemůžete prohlížet profily galerie';
// End SMF Media Gallery strings

// Spoiler Mod
// BBC Strings
$txt['bbc_spoiler'] = 'Vložit spoiler';

// Post View Text
$txt['spoiler_tag_text'] = 'Spoiler';
$txt['spoiler_tag_hover_info'] = '(přejeďte pro zobrazení)';

// Mod Settings
$txt['defaultSpoilerStyle'] = 'Spoiler Mode';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onhoverovershow'] = 'Ukázat při přejetí kurzorem';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onlinkclickshow'] = 'Ukázat při kliku na odkaz';
$txt['spoiler_tag_onbuttonclickshow'] = 'Ukázat při kliku na tlačítko';

$txt['desc'] = 'Přidat popis';

// Wysiwyg Quick Reply
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Vyberte typ rychlé odpovědi';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (s bbc tlačítky a smajlíky)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (jen se smajlíky)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'Jen WYSIWYG';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Textový mód (s bbc tlačítky a smajlíky)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Textový mód (jen se smajlíky)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Textový mód (standardní)';

// Begin SMF Staff Page Text Strings
$txt['smfstaff_stafflist'] = 'Personál';

$txt['nobbc'] = 'Vložit No BBC';

However I'm afraid that there's much more texts in gallery not included here....
Oe lu skxawng skxakep. Slä oe nerume mi.
"Oe tasyätxaw ulte koren za'u oehu" (Limonádový Joe)


Interesting. I've copied all strings form the gallery that this mod has added there.
Which text is missing?

I am going to add your translation to the czech language file. :)
EDIT: Done. :) Let me know if I broke something.

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Blue Elf

Czech letters are not correct, probably wrong encoding (files are probably not saved as UTF-8?)
See attachement - I have Czech UI, but many text are still English (maybe hardcoded?)
Or My albums administration - fully in English
Oe lu skxawng skxakep. Slä oe nerume mi.
"Oe tasyätxaw ulte koren za'u oehu" (Limonádový Joe)


I have deleted the original one and replaced it by a new one in UTF-8 please try now.

As for the Gallery, I just see there is an extra file for the gallery too: MGallery.english.php (see attachment)

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Quote from: Tìtstewan on September 04, 2015, 03:25:06 PM
I have deleted the original one and replaced it by a new one in UTF-8 please try now.

As for the Gallery, I just see there is an extra file for the gallery too: MGallery.english.php (see attachment)

14 KiB? :o That's going to take a while to translate! ;D

I'll have a try this weekend, when I have access to my laptop.

Blue Elf

Now texts are Ok. But I noticed, that Quick reply settings are still English (see picture).
Also I'd say, that buttons in quick reply text editor do not work well - some of them insert just opening bbc code (desc, nobbc, spoiler, code...). In standard reply editor however they works well. Strange.....
EDIT: Also - in quick reply URL, IMG, EMAIL and FTP works differently than in standard editor
Quick editor - window opens asking to put data
Standard editor - bbc code is inserted, data must be filled manually
Oe lu skxawng skxakep. Slä oe nerume mi.
"Oe tasyätxaw ulte koren za'u oehu" (Limonádový Joe)


Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
Now texts are Ok. But I noticed, that Quick reply settings are still English (see picture).
Honest, I can't explain why this happens... I just switched to Czech language and I see it...

Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
Also I'd say, that buttons in quick reply text editor do not work well - some of them insert just opening bbc code (desc, nobbc, spoiler, code...). In standard reply editor however they works well. Strange.....
That's weird. They should work normal, because the codes, it uses, are the same like in the normal editor.

Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
EDIT: Also - in quick reply URL, IMG, EMAIL and FTP works differently than in standard editor
Quick editor - window opens asking to put data
Standard editor - bbc code is inserted, data must be filled manually
That happens if you have WYSIWYG enabled. Take a look at the last button

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Blue Elf

Quote from: Tìtstewan on September 04, 2015, 03:51:04 PM
Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
Now texts are Ok. But I noticed, that Quick reply settings are still English (see picture).
Honest, I can't explain why this happens... I just switched to Czech language and I see it...
Ok, I'll try to look into translation files...
Quote from: Tìtstewan on September 04, 2015, 03:51:04 PM
Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
Also I'd say, that buttons in quick reply text editor do not work well - some of them insert just opening bbc code (desc, nobbc, spoiler, code...). In standard reply editor however they works well. Strange.....
That's weird. They should work normal, because the codes, it uses, are the same like in the normal editor.
I discovered it behaves wrong way in WYSIWYG mode. In text mode all is ok. Even more strange.
Quote from: Tìtstewan on September 04, 2015, 03:51:04 PM
Quote from: Blue Elf on September 04, 2015, 03:36:54 PM
EDIT: Also - in quick reply URL, IMG, EMAIL and FTP works differently than in standard editor
Quick editor - window opens asking to put data
Standard editor - bbc code is inserted, data must be filled manually
That happens if you have WYSIWYG enabled. Take a look at the last button
Right. Taken note.

I'll try to prepare translation of gallery texts, but as file is quite huge, it'll take some time.

Related to Czech UI - I've found some texts I translated are still not fully correct, some letters are changed into their unaccented version (ů -> u, ř -> r). See picture, both marked texts should be Domů. Please compare encoding of the file with these newly translated texts and some original file from Czech langpack. In new file must be something wrong.... No idea what.
Oe lu skxawng skxakep. Slä oe nerume mi.
"Oe tasyätxaw ulte koren za'u oehu" (Limonádový Joe)


I'll fix it after I get back at home that will be on Monday. :) I currently have total limited network access...

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Blue Elf

I looked into original files from Czech langpack and it seems they are saved as ANSI, what means, that current language settings of Windows is used. That's surprising, I don't know how Linux/Unix deal with that.
Oe lu skxawng skxakep. Slä oe nerume mi.
"Oe tasyätxaw ulte koren za'u oehu" (Limonádový Joe)


I just arrived at home earlier than I originally thought. :)

I'll have a look at the Czech files on the server and check their encoding. If they really saved some files in ANSI... *sigh* why they call the package as Czech-UTF-8 ?! Unix/Linux will read them as UTF-8 stuff that wil reslt in strange characters...

EDIT: I just fixed the missing Czech letter č, ů and ř.

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