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Reyona's Mini-Sermons

Started by Mako, January 10, 2012, 10:13:44 PM

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Tirea and I were talking about this, and I figure what better place to put it than in the Bible section of the board? ;D

So here's what this is. This is me doing some preaching. I feel like God is calling me to speak up about the topics I cover, and you're just nearby as I voice my thoughts. Bear with me. I'm a scatterbrained speaker. If you understand what I'm trying to say, or even if you flat out disagree, I'd love to hear your opinions.

So here's tonight's: Who's Church is it Anyway: The Tongue

Christianity. Our country was founded on it. We see it in our communities, schools, workplaces. We've made the Bible the most sold book in history. It's been translated into hundreds of different languages and can be found in most households. But like a lot of other things that arrive on the shores of America, we have put our own twist on it. We have strayed from the truth for the sake of convenience. We've shortcutted the Gospel. Over the next few nights I'm going to cover the key changes that have undermined Christianity in American churches. Tonight it's the tongue. How we speak to others, about others, and the words we use to express ourselves.

Diving right in. The American church has begun to allow certain things that the Bible clearly speaks against, and that's frightening. Today it's acceptable to call yourself a Christian and have sex with your girlfriend, or smoke a joint with your pals on the weekend. But the issue I want to start out talking about is the tongue. It seems that the American church has completely disregarded the book of James, the most detailed book about the evil of the tongue in the entire Bible. James 5:12 reads "Now above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. Your yes must be yes and your no must be no, so that you won't fall under judgement." - James 5:12 and "If anyone thinks he is religious without controlling his tongue, then his religion is useless and he deceives himself." - James 1:26 These aren't made up. This is the Word of God. So why can someone use a swear word and call themself a Christian in the same breath? And most will believe them!

Our church also has taken the fear out of the evil the tongue can cause. Even simple derisive comments against someone you don't really like are sin. For the "tongue speaks out of an overflow of the heart." And yet do most Christians know or care? It would seem not. I fear for where our church is going. Many who attend services on Sunday are missing the point. It's not about the effort that you make, because you can't earn your way into heaven. It's about Jesus, and only Jesus. Without Him, we all burn in hell because we decided that God wasn't good enough for us. Through Jesus we have our redemption.

Part of the problem I believe lies in that many see their faith as "fire insurance". The mindset of "well I'm saved so I can do what I want" is definitely an underlying current in our doctrine. And it's wrong, but the church won't stop it.

So what can we do about it? In my own experience, just a simple accountability check with your friends does wonders. Whenever a friend makes a derisive comment or uses a swear word, just tap them on the shoulder and ask "was that necessary?" But the biggest way that this can be stopped is just by simple knowledge. The American church needs a wake up call. Many people are going to miss the boat because Christians stood by and didn't say a thing guided them down the wrong path. But it starts with us.

Let's bring down American Christianity and get back to the true root of Christianity: Jesus.


TL;DR version: Cussing, swearing, and insulting others is not Biblically okay.
The American Christianity needs change.

Tirea Aean

I like this idea. short and sweet, and one thing to take from it: watch what you say, that your tongue may not make you a hypocrite. amen.

I had the idea also of doing bible study threads as well since we're in here. It's /bible. We can totally do that here. ;D

OR maybe even make a "What has God laid on your heart today/this week?", a place of testimony, revelation and insight derived from the Word of God.

EDIT: a thread for public prayer requests while we're at it too?


Quote from: Tirea Aean on January 10, 2012, 10:40:12 PM
I like this idea. short and sweet, and one thing to take from it: watch what you say, that your tongue may not make you a hypocrite. amen.

I had the idea also of doing bible study threads as well since we're in here. It's /bible. We can totally do that here. ;D

OR maybe even make a "What has God laid on your heart today/this week?", a place of testimony, revelation and insight derived from the Word of God.

EDIT: a thread for public prayer requests while we're at it too?

I understand the gravity of that statement. I have my slip ups when it comes to insulting people, I'll be the first to admit it, but I am highly against swearing.

All of those ideas sound fantastic! Mini-Na'vi-Christian community!

Tirea Aean

It always kinda saddens me to see someone being insulted.

Yeah, my audible swear-count has went way down over the recent years. I still struggle with it in my thoughts. :\

Mini-LearnNavi-Christian community ;D Love it. Actually, I thought we had a couple Jewish around here? I didn't think this was a strictly Christian board (as far as the O.T. goes, anyway)


Quote from: Tirea Aean on January 10, 2012, 10:47:41 PM
It always kinda saddens me to see someone being insulted.

Yeah, my audible swear-count has went way down over the recent years. I still struggle with it in my thoughts. :\

Mini-LearnNavi-Christian community ;D Love it. Actually, I thought we had a couple Jewish around here? I didn't think this was a strictly Christian board (as far as the O.T. goes, anyway)

True statement. My apologies to our Jewish brethren, not trying to be exclusive.

Tirea Aean

Thing is, If I'm not mistaken, a Jewish person would be inclined to disagree with Christians on some things having to do with Jesus and other things like traditions, doctrines, and the like. Hmmmmm


Quote from: Tirea Aean on January 10, 2012, 10:55:13 PM
Thing is, If I'm not mistaken, a Jewish person would be inclined to disagree with Christians on some things having to do with Jesus and other things like traditions, doctrines, and the like. Hmmmmm

I'll keep that in mind, but the point I make here is rooted in old testament teaching.

Also, I specifically targeted American Christians with this post, to which I belong, so if anyone is offended by this know that it comes from someone who has experience in the matter and is ultimately criticizing himself.

Tirea Aean

Sure, I totally get that. For me, message well received. :) you know what, have a cookie.


Quote from: Tirea Aean on January 10, 2012, 11:03:05 PM
Sure, I totally get that. For me, message well received. :) you know what, have a cookie.

To those who give, much more will be given.

Eltu Lefngap Makto

Since you quoted James on the tongue, I immediately thought of Proverbs, which is filled with tongue-related aphorisms.  My old pastor preached I great sermon on that:
Anyway, I think what you guys is saying is great.  Being as un-American in respect to being as pro-God as you can be is right on.  The Jews have always been awesome at not being "of" the world.  Christians could learn a lot from them.
'Ivong, Na'vi!


Quote from: Eltu Lefngap Makto on January 11, 2012, 06:16:57 AM
Since you quoted James on the tongue, I immediately thought of Proverbs, which is filled with tongue-related aphorisms.  My old pastor preached I great sermon on that:
Anyway, I think what you guys is saying is great.  Being as un-American in respect to being as pro-God as you can be is right on.  The Jews have always been awesome at not being "of" the world.  Christians could learn a lot from them.

Fi'u. Tonight's topic is going to be over making your faith your own.

`Eylan Ayfalulukanä

And Jew or Christian, all pray. A prayer request thread is a great idea. This is the place for it, I think because this the only truly 'religious' area on LearnNavi.

And I'll admit I am not very good with the tongue. All I seem to be given to deal with is evil people, some despicably evil. But I try very hard not to speak evil of brethern.

Yawey ngahu!
pamrel si ro [email protected]

Tirea Aean

it's a hard thing, it really is.It's like we cant do it on our own, most of us


Who's Church is it Anyway: Making Your Faith Your Own

I'm from the Bible belt of America, that is, the middle of the southeastern United States. Predominantly Baptist, some Methodist, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches, but one thing is for certain: you are expected to go to church in our community. Why? Because of the old southern communities that held the same belief. People where I'm from grow up in church. They go to Sunday school, wear nice clothes, and behave for once. Eventually they'll say a prayer and "accept Jesus into their heart". Many will be baptized soon after. These are all things we expect out of children as the grow. But as the children grow up, they drift away from church. Why? Because their faith isn't their own.

Whether it is their parent's faith, their friend's faith, their pastor's faith, many people now go to church simply because it's the thing to do. For example. We have a church down the road that has a student ministry boasting 400-500 kids on Wednesday night. Now for some, this is their faith. They go because they have a relationship with God and they want to be fed the Word. But for most, they're there because it's cool, because their friends are there, because they get to play videogames before the worship starts. Now don't get me wrong, the problem isn't the size. A lot of large churches can have a massive impact and influence (Passion Church in ATL being one). The problem is, the current generation of teenagers and adults have no personal connection to the faith they claim to have because they haven't made it their own.

If you are confidant in your faith, then good. This next part only applies if you wish to share this message with people you feel need a hand discovering their own faith.

How can you make your faith your own? The first step is understanding the grounds for your faith. It's not just about believing in God. James 2 says "you believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe—and they shudder!" - James 2:19 HSCB. Even the demons know that God exists. If that were the sole basis for your faith then even demons would be saved. Your faith is based off of your understanding that you cannot earn heaven, and that nothing you can do can justify your sins. It's only Jesus. Without him, we have no right to stand before God.

If you believe you understand this then the next step is to examine your heart. 2 Corinthians tells us "Put yourselves to the test to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize regarding yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you - unless, indeed, you fail the test!" - 2 Corinthians 13:5. When Paul says test yourself, he is asking that you examine your heart for the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Bible has much to say about the Spirit, and in regards to looking for the signs of his presence, Galatians tells us that a person who is in the faith will bear fruit. We know them. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. The sign that the Spirit lives within you is the exhibition of these traits.

Finally, faith is good, but "just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." - James 2:26. A true heart change will bring about action. Serving in your community, giving to the poor, tithing, ministering to the lost. Not out of obligation, but out of love for God and gratefulness for what He's done for you. Faith alive is a beautiful thing.

So yeah, that's it for tonight. I hope this has been an encouragement to all of you. This one was much more personal and therefore easier to write. Let me know your opinions.

~Ta Reyona

TL;DR version: The current generation struggles with following a faith they don't understand.
You make your faith your own by coming to terms with why you need Jesus and have no way to heaven without Him.
Proof of faith is the Fruit of the Spirit and action.

A note to my Jewish bretheren: I understand this is from a Christian P.O.V and applies to Christians in the church, and in no way am I downgrading Judaism. I hope you find this an interesting read and that I do not offend you in my statements about Jesus and salvation.


How is it that God can make us right?

Who do you love the most? Now imagine that one day, this person is killed in an accident involving a drunk driver. What is your natural response? You want justice, you want the person to pay for their wrong. So imagine that the person who killed your friend is caught and brought before a judge. The judge asks if the defendant has anything to say for himself, and the drunk says "well I know I did wrong, but I've done more good in my life. I should be allowed to go free." What do we expect the judge to answer? We expect him to deliver a just sentence, despite the man's claims.

So let me flip this upside down. One day you and I are going to die. We're going to have to stand before the perfect judge and account for our sins. When God asks us what we have in our defense, what counts? Is our good enough to outweigh our bad? Argument sound familiar? It doesn't work. If we expect justice out of our earthly judges, how much more should we expect justice out of God?

I had the opportunity recently to share my vision for the student fellowship that I'm privileged to help lead and guide. Can anyone guess what I spoke about? If you guessed the book of James, you would be right. I gave a challenge out of James 2:14-26 for our generation of students to start living our faith. But it's tough to live if you don't understand it. Easiest way I've err heard it explained is G.O.S.P.E.L.

God Our Sins Paying Everyone Life

God. The God, the Creator, the One who spoke and it was, Who breathed into and it lived.

Our Sins. It's what separates us from God. It's us, the created, thinking we know best, even moreso than the Creator. Every time we stumble, every time we fall, it's because we believe that we know what is best for us. That is sin. The price of sin is death. That is the just sentence, the sentence that we would expect out of a just judge.

Paying, or payment. In an act of completely undeserved grace, God gave us, the creation who scorns Him, mocks Him, spits in His face, Jesus. The Son of Man, who lived perfectly, so that he could be found blameless who has sinned. See Jesus' perfect sacrifice, a guiltless, pure death, was so that He could become our sin. It is in this way that we can be made right before God.

Everyone. Everyone. Anyone who believes will not perish, but have everlasting life. It doesn't matter what you have done, it doesn't matter what you will do, His blood covers it all.

Life. It's what we have now. It's what Jesus' death gave us. We don't have to be separate from God for eternity because Jesus' perfect sacrifice erased them. They no longer exist.

Many are content with just this, to use their faith as "fire insurance". 

But it doesn't stop there. 

In our gratitude, we are supposed to give everything to God. Not out of obligation or begrudgingly, but willingly. Faith by grace, works in proof of faith. It's faith complimented by works, as the passage in James I read so clearly says.

If you miss this truth you miss the boat: you're either in or out, hot or cold, saved or not, sliding backwards or moving forwards. There is no middle ground. It's not a free ticket to heaven and yet so many think it is.

So, don't waste the gift of Jesus, live! Don't play "church". He gave you life so that you can live for Him! That is what faith is.

Live it out, because it brings life.

~ Reyona

Eltu Lefngap Makto

Wonderful.  Truth and direction.  Excellent.  When do you head off to seminary?  ;D
'Ivong, Na'vi!


Probably never ;D I just want people to see the truth.

Tirea Aean




Who do you have that you are accountable to? I mean, truly accountable? Someone who you know that when they see you doing wrong, they will step in and call you out. As brothers and sisters of Christ, we are called to hold each other accountable. I don't have much to say tonight, so I'll show you some scripture:

"As iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

"And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works" - Hebrews 10:24

"Therefore encourage one another with these words." - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

So here's a challenge:

Find someone. Men, another brother. Women, another sister (Sin will find a door if you have an accountability partner of the opposite sex, trust me from experience). Find someone who will call you out when you are living in sin. Not when you screw up, because you will. If you think you won't, then you have bigger problems ;) We all do from time to time. No one is perfect. But someone who sees you going down the wrong path and will pull you aside and admonish you.

It will change your life.

~Ta Reyona